Saturday, December 31, 2011


This was taken the same day I found out I had cancer, November 16, also Tim's birthday.  After his classes in the morning and my appointment, we spent the day together.  We went to lunch and then up the canyon.  Isn't this picture beautiful?  I realized more strongly that day that we are surrounded by beauty, all we have to do is open our eyes.

"The Leon Trio" 
My awesome quartet at our final chamber music recital.  This was just after I found out about cancer. We had a blast this last semester, thank you BARTOK! We rocked Bartok's string quartet No. 2, II.  Support breast cancer by wearing bright pink high heels!

I was able to play the solo violin part for Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 with the USU Chamber Orchestra.  This was my last hoorah because due to my health I was not able to play in the final orchestra concert or even audition for the concerto competition. Someone's watching out for me.

Tim and I. Can anyone guess where we are???

The giant kitchen aid I've been telling you all about. (I forgot to change the setting on my camera back to color after the last time I used it...oops.)

Me and Matt.  He was the radiation therapist who was there for every one of my treatments.

The moves.

And the final angle.

As of yesterday I am officially done with radiation, I even have certificate congratulating me, wahoooo.  I didn't like radiation much, but I did enjoy working with all the therapists/doctors/nurses, they were wonderful. Thanks!

I met with a surgeon yesterday about the placement of a port.  This surgery is quite routine and will occur on Monday January 9th.  It will last about 45 minutes and recovery shouldn't be too bad.  Basically what they do is place a device, about half the size of a golf ball connected to 8 inches of a thin rubber tube, under my skin about an inch below my collar bone on the left side.  The tube connects directly to a vein so when they poke me, yes with a needle, the drugs will go directly to my blood stream.  I am having deja vous, did I already explain all of this?  Can't remember, but it's fresh on my mind considering I got the official spiel from the surgeon himself.

So I get the port and hopefully that same week I will begin chemo.  It is routine to go directly from the surgery to the first chemo treatment.  Depending on what my chemo plan is I might end up doing that.  I'll keep you posted.

I hope you all have a great New Years Eve. I am just going to chill all night.  I also want to make new years resolutions.  I was going through some papers today and found all of my new years resolutions dating back to 2006.  It's amazing how repetitive my goals are, guess I should get to work and start accomplishing what I write down. Anyhow, hope you make some good goals for 2012!


  1. Hi Kelly, you may not remember me, but I am Ira's cousin Paula. I just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers and to keep up your awesome attitude. I know Heavenly Father doesn't challenge us beyond what we can handle.

  2. Oh man I missed a new post! I guess it's okay since I got to see you twice last week.

  3. Kelly,
    I heard about your current situation and my heart almost broke in half. I just read all your posts and am in awe at your trust, love, and BEAUTIFUL attitude as you go through such events. Jon and I have spoken of you often and think about you daily. You are and always have been so, so sweet. Our prayers are with you!

  4. hey Kelly, you don't know me, but i was Lindsay's roommate her first year at byu-i..... I've read your blog... hope that's okay, you have such a great attitude, i would hope i could be like that in your situation, keep your chin up, Heavenly Father is watching over us all, and He knows best how to help us through ANYTHING :)
