Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Some Results

I have news!  Many of you have been asking me what is going on...this is because I have been a bit of a slacker and haven't updated you on the last few tests. We'll breeze through them so I can get to the results you have all been waiting for.

Mammogram-I won't go into detail.  It was not fun.  I was able to make friends with some of the ladies in the waiting room right after though.  I have a feeling that I am going to be making some more elderly friends through all of this considering my case is very rare and this usually happens to women above age 70.

MRI-Not as bad as people make it out to be.  From what I have heard from other people I thought I was going to be in a tube that was closed off on both ends with bright lights and loud noises.  Nope.  The tube was open on both ends and there were no bright lights, however there were very loud noises.  I am a pro at holding still through all these tests so that wasn't a problem.  I was quite focused on the rhythms of the sounds. Lets say if one sound was at metronome mark 160, the other sounded as if it were at 158.  They were so similar, but not quite on.  I couldn't figure it out.  A little frustrating if you ask me, but at least it helped the time pass quicker.

PET Scan-This was the most uncomfortable test for me thus far (minus all the stupid needles!) because I had to place my arms over my head which made them fall asleep.  Not the greatest position when you're supposed to hold still. hmmm. So you're probably wondering what in the world is a PET scan? I've already had a CAT scan, what's next, the DOG scan?  Well for your purposes, it is more sensitive than an MRI.  It has been explained to me a few times what exactly it is and does, but let's be honest all that scientific talk sometimes goes over my head.  They did find something in that test that I will go over in a minute.

After some tests I went in and met with my doctor to go over results.  I was informed that I have two more tumors, one on my lumbar spine and the other on my 11th rib on the right side.  What?!  I know!  Previously when I went in for the mammogram she did an ultrasound of my underarm to check for lymph nodes.  It came back negative. (If the lymph nodes are inflamed this is a sign that cancer has spread to other parts of the body).  I didn't think that it had spread elsewhere, then again I was also unaware that there were other means it can spread; through the blood.  Because of these other spots, and also the size of the tumor in my breast, the most recent diagnosis is stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. Luckily my mom and both of my sisters were able to be there with me when I found out, and Tim came over as soon as he could.  As crazy as this may sound I wasn't very shocked.  I felt calm and collected in the doctors office, I had a clear mind and was able to ask questions and still be my normal self.  Of course this is not what I wanted to hear considering I thought it hadn't spread due to the negative test result on the lymph nodes, but I am ok with it.  Generally I tend to take a step back from any given situation and take into account the best and worst possible situations.  So far every time I get a test result back there is something else leading to the "worst" possible scenario.  The latests result came back today.  I found out that there is another spot near my lungs on the left side which was detected from the PET scan. No bueno.

Plan of action-There are still some tests to be done, but as of right now we are thinking radiation on the spots on my spine and rib. This will take about 3 weeks and I will probably do it in Logan.  Radiation is 5 times a week for about 10-15 minutes each.  After that, chemotherapy for 4-6 months. Blah.  I will go in for an infusion once every 2-3 weeks either in Logan or the Huntsman center, the location is still undecided as of now.  Sometime during the chemo, or after all the treatments, I will undergo a mastectomy and hopefully reconstruction immediately following.  After talking to a few people this seems to be the most logical solution, however it is still subject to change.

Am I surprised...not at all.  Am I ok, yes.  I know things are going to work out.  I don't think it is going to be a pretty road, but I have the faith that things will work out and I will survive this.  From the beginning I have felt peace about everything.  I don't want to talk much about this, but I really don't feel that this is my time to go.  I have never had any serious health problems in my life up until now, so I have a strong, young, healthy body to fight this off. And if that isn't enough, I'm just too darn stubborn and prideful to let cancer win (you can ask Tim about that...)!   I am happy and grateful to be alive.  I have found it is easier to be optimistic knowing that I have been diagnosed with this disease.  That sounds strange, but there are so many bad things I could be focusing on right now if I choose to.  I would rather focus on the little things that make me happy, like brainwashing my niece Scarlett that I am her favorite aunt, sitting in the living room with all the lights off except the christmas tree, being silly with my mom and sisters, cracking corny jokes, trying to get Tim to wear pink because it is the breast cancer color...I could go on.  The past three weeks have been difficult, don't get me wrong, but at the same time it has been so much easier to be happy because that is what I have been searching for.  I have been so focused on being happy that at times I forget I even have cancer.  On the other hand, as time passes the more I realize that this is going to be a tough road to travel.  I am still in the testing and meeting with doctor's phase and have not yet started treatments.  I am going to need these happy moments to fall back on when I am down and sick, I am going to need those guardian angels to keep me going, but most of all I will need our Savior Jesus Christ.


  1. Kelly, You don't know me, I was your sister Andrea's MTC mission companion. We even served in the same mission together.

    All I can say is that you inspire me. And you are in my prayers! Thanks for keeping us posted on the blog.

    May the Lord Bless you with the continued peace during the months to follow!

    Your Sister in the Gospel,
    Annette Dillon Burke

  2. Kelly,

    I am a Flegal and Flegals LOVE Astles! I just wanted you to know that we are cheering you on. You have our family's prayers, our faith and deepest wish for continued peace throughout this process. You are strong and will most definitely win. Love, Ali and Andrew Flegal

  3. Dear Kelly,

    I have felt peace about you, too, ever since I heard the news a few weeks ago (though it made me very sad). Your incredible positive attitude is going to have a huge impact on your body's ability to beat this, I know.

    I love you!
    Nonie Reesor

  4. Kelly,

    My husband Cameron and I have been praying for you ever since we heard the news a few weeks ago. I am so thankful for your positivity! You are changing lives all around you by the way you are responding to this challenge.

    I hope we can play again together sometime soon. :)

    You are a beautiful soul. I love you!
    Meredith (Marshall) Nelson

  5. Wow Kelly, I am so sorry to hear this! But, you are one tough cookie and you will do great. My family is all thinking about you and wish you luck! Miss ya!

  6. I check your blog everyday... (several times a day!) I know a little stalkerish but I think about you all day! So when I think about you I check it. So far you post like 20 minutes after I check your blog. And all day today I have been taking care of a sick little niece but did.text you when I saw your car.

    Everyone I know is praying for you to continue to have strength abd faith. And I love reading about all of the fun you are having in the meantime. Hope to talk to you soon.

    Love ya!

  7. Kelly, you have been in our prayers since we first heard about this dumb cancer! The kids pray for you every day to have strength and comfort to fight this fight. Lots of love to you and your family!

  8. Hi Kelly, this is your cousin Tera, daughter of your Aunt Janice. I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through. I am so amazed at your strength and positive attitude, I love your humor and I know that you are gonna kick this thing right in it's butt! Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers, We are sending love your direction everyday. You are amazing!

  9. Kelly, I sure love you!!! I have been praying for you!

  10. Kelly! You are amazing! I know you are not alone in this. I keep you in my prayers every day! Keep on Keepin On!

  11. Kelly, We love you very much and we have been following your blog comments. They give us faith and courage ourselves. Your Faith and Courage are amazing. We are hoping that your strengh continues and you feel sustained by your testimony of the Gospel. We know our Heavenly
    Father loves you and we pray for your welfare often. Much Love, Delsa and Randy
    Savior Jesus Christ.

  12. Just an FYI, Kelly... YOU ARE AMAZING!!! I love you and am SO grateful for your incredible example. Keep on keepin' on. The Lord is with you! I know it! Prayers heading in your direction!

  13. Kelly - our prayers are with you. Serenity would really love to hear from you. She doesn't have your current mailing address. You can email her at carli dot eyre at myldsmail dot net
    She asked me if I could forward your blog posts - which I'm doing with the ones you've already posted - but if you could add her email address to your blogsend that would be awesome. She wants me to let you know she's praying for you. If you have any questions you can email me at tenillecundick at gmail dot com

  14. "Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, kelly, Kelly, Kelly. Because you're....Mine---
    Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine,...MINE."

    Love ya sis!

    P.S. Time to update everyone on radiation! :)
