Friday, March 16, 2012


Yes, it is 2:39 am and I am wide awake.  Treatment nights I usually don't sleep well because they give me steroids.  The steroids are a preventative measure for infection.  I usually fall asleep fine and then wake up between 3 and 5, but tonight is different.  I will say though, it is nice every once and a while to stay awake longer than usual yet not feel the slightest bit tired. Hmmm.  I like to be awake when the rest of the world is asleep, I feel it provides a more peaceful atmosphere to meditate and ponder.

I have had a lot of time to think about, well, everything these past few months considering I am graduated and am not able to work yet.  What would you think about or change if the doctors told you the average life expectancy of someone with your diagnosis was 1.5-5 years? I never thought I would have to face such a predicament.  I always assumed I would live to be old like my grandma Astle, painting at 75 years old and out fishing at 92.  I never even considered dying before being able to get married or have a family. I am not saying this will happen, but it is in the cards now.  Following is something I have been pondering since November 16th.

When the though first crossed my mind that I could be gone the following year, I immediately thought of relationships I have with people.  Would I regret saying something? Would I regret not saying or doing something?  Am I at odds with anyone?  How can I better the relationships I am currently in?  My mom always says that when we die we will not take things with us, but our relationships will be carried beyond the grave.  Why is it that we really think about these things when something traumatic happens?  Why aren't these questions constantly on our minds?  I am speaking mostly of myself right now, many of your reading this I am sure already have this in check. 
I go back to the reality that our lives are in God's hands.  When I was 18 months old, my father passed away in a drowning accident.  They, including my two oldest brothers, were on a scout outing on the Green River in southern Utah.  Everyone was floating down the river and had life jackets on, but when they began coming to shore my dad was nowhere to be seen.  They searched the area but when they realized he was not there, a search party was issued.  About 5 days later they found his body.  Anyone who knew my dad knew he loved the outdoors.  He hunted, fished, hiked, camped and if given the opportunity, probably would have spent a whole year up in the mountains.  He spent plenty of time in rivers, swimming, and participating in dangerous activities (he was a fireman after all).  He did not drown because he did not know how to swim, I am sure he did not want to leave my mom behind to raise 6 children on her own, and I know he did not want to miss hunting season the following October.  However, God knows.  I feel that we as humans sometimes throw that aside and make our own plans and get upset when things don't turn out "our way."  One lesson I have learned is that we make plans so God can have something to work with a.k.a. change.  God's ways are not our ways.  He knows what is best for us and the experiences and challenges we need at the exact times that will help us come closer to Him and better fulfill our purposes here on Earth.  I would not take back this experience, however I do not wish it on anyone.  I do not know how it will all turn out.  I don't know if I will be here for 2 years or 20 years but, whichever it is, I want to make the most of every day.  My life is in God's hands; the best place to be.


  1. Kelly, you are such a strong woman with a glorious perspective on life. You inspire me in these blogs and help me to focus on the important things in life. Thank you for that! We all have our allotted time on this earth, God alone knows this time. So regardless of what doctors tell you, miracles happen every day. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. You are so much more than this one experience. You are a valiant spirit who is treasured by your family and friends. You are a mega-talented woman. You are an inspiration. You are beautiful inside and out. You are a sweet cousin and we love you! XOXO

  2. You are so amazing :) Your attitude during all this has been so inspirational. I don't even know what to say except for you're incredible. I pray for you every night and I'll never stop. I hope to see you again soon! We just love you and your family :)

  3. Beautiful thoughts Kelly. I love you!

  4. Kelly thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this and thank you for being such an amazing example. I learn so much from you and appreciate your friendship. Love you!

  5. What is there to say that hasn't already been said. You inspire everyone who knows you, and even those who are lucky enough to talk to you for 5 minutes! I have told you before how much your friendship means to me and I hope you never forget that! Anyone who has gone through or who has had someone close to them battle cancer knows that a positive attitude is crucial for you and by those who are around you. You are and always have been able to see the good in everything. I love ya Kel!

  6. Kelly, you are absolutely amazing! I love how optimistic you are about everything. You are so strong and your outstanding example has influenced my life more than you know. You are an incredible woman and your thoughts are so inspirational. I am praying for you every day! Thanks for all you do for me and all the others in our ward! I love you!!! :)

  7. What a beautiful post. I'm so glad you Aquarelled with Lex so I can have a better connection to you. You are clearly an amazing woman!
