Thursday, October 4, 2012

Big Momma Doesn't Take a Hint

I am sorry to announce that big momma is growing (the tumor in my breast).  I found out last week and am actually at the Huntsman Center right now waiting for yet another bone and CT scan.  For some reason they scheduled them a couple of hours apart, so I figured this would be perfect blog-updating time.

I haven't had any symptoms other than fatigue, which has been my constant companion these days, so I wouldn't have guessed anything was wrong.  Apparently the tamoxifen (estrogen blocker) just wasn't enough for my estrogen producing body.  I had two options placed before me: chemo or lupron.  Before diving back into my weekly dose of poison, I would wanted to try something different, so I chose the latter.

Lupron is a shot I will receive, in my hip, once every 3 months that will put me into short-term menopause.  In other words, my body will not produce any estrogen for big momma to feed off of.  Along with the shot I will continue taking tamoxifen or another hormonal therapy in the form of a shot or pill.  This treatment can, and hopefully will, shrink the tumor.  I will be on it as long as it is effective and the side effects (hot flashes, bone weakness, and mood changes to name a few) are tolerable.  When/if it stops working then my options are chemo or clinical trials.

With everything that has happened, I feel peace.  I am not afraid.  I have found that the only times I do not feel peace are when I let my own fears override what I feel and know deep down.  I know that my life is in God's hands and whatever happens is His will.  Sometimes it is difficult to accept what He has planned for me, but then I remember He knows the end from the beginning and I am more safe following His path than my own.  From talking with friends and family, I don't know how I would handle this situation if I were on the other end of things.  I have found it much easier to go through something firsthand than to watch someone you love suffer.  Thank you to all who have been a support through all of this.  I am simply awkward and don't know what to say when it comes to comforting people in these kinds of situations, so thank you.  I know this is bad news, but don't worry; I am happy and moving forward!  Keep praying that God's will be done, and I know we will all have an easier time dealing with whatever comes next.

p.s. If it is any consolation, I got a fortune cookie last night at a friends wedding that said, "You will live a long and prosperous life."  Those Chinese sure know what they're talking about.


  1. Love this and love you. Thanks for being an incredible example to all of us!

  2. Ahhh love you Kelly! What an incredible attitude ;) I know you will be blessed for being so in tune and close to the spirit. You are an amazing example to me and all those around you. Let me know if you need ANYTHING. Oh and I am so excited to see you and Lindsay dress up for Halloween......hope you are still going thru with your Megamind plan ;)

  3. Hi Kelly! Thanks for sharing your blog! I appreciate your comments about wondering how it is for other people to watch their loved ones battle cancer, it is really hard! You came back into our lives at just the right time, it was SO helpful for my Mom to talk with you and just be with someone who can understand how she feels. Really appreciate your positive attitude and know that we're praying for you! -Loni

  4. Kelly, I appreciate your strong attitude in such a trying situation. It is a wonderful blessing to strong friends to hold you up when things are tough, but how amazing it is when YOU are the one experiencing it and can comfort those who love and hurry for you.
    I recently found out that my absolute best friend, whom I truly consider my brother, has a walnut-size brain tumor. It was traumatizing to me to think about how it must have hit him. But I think he spent more time comforting me than I did for him.

    I sincerely appreciate your faith in our savior and his plan for you. We pray for you often and hope all goes well.

  5. You know that Fortune Cookies cannot lie right? So its fate!
