Saturday, October 27, 2012

Big Momma Took a Hint!

She got the hint and shrunk a little, wahooooo!  She is still very much there, but at least we are seeing progress. As I met with my doctor this week I was curious as to how much she had grown/shrunk, here are the data:

August  4cm x 4cm
September 6cm x 5cm...what?!?!
October 4cm x 5.5cm

There you have it; looks like the lupron is working, however we are still waiting for my estrogen levels to drop. The last time they checked it was 440, and we want it down to 30. Wowza!  It's a good thing I am friends with several post-menopausal women who can give me pointers.  That's a big drop but we are hopeful it will happen within the next few weeks.  The side effects still haven't been too bad, but will get worse as they dry up my estrogen production and my ovaries are shut down.  When I am to that point I will start another hormonal therapy in supplement to the lupron, in the form of a pill.  This drug is only effective in post-menopausal women, which is why I have not started it yet.  Keep your fingers crossed that this drug will work, at least for a while.  It is typically effective for about one to two years before your body stops responding.  At that point I have other options, but we'll cross that bridge when it comes.

Thank you for your prayers, thoughts, phone calls and visits.  It is nice to know that people care and that I have such an amazing support system.  I feel peace in my life right now regarding my health.  I don't know how things are going to turn out, but I have faith that God will take care of me.  Like I have said before, my life is in God's hands; the best place to be.


  1. :) glad she got the hint! Love you! REALLY miss you!!!!

  2. Hi,

    I have a quick question about your blog, would you mind emailing me when you get a chance?



    1. Hi Cameron,

      I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

